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Lundin Mining Second Quarter 2024 Results

VANCOUVER, BC, July 30, 2024 /CNW/ - (TSX:LUN) (Nasdaq Stockholm: LUMI) Lundin Mining Corporation ("Lundin Mining" or the "Company") today reported its second quarter 2024 financial results. Unless otherwise stated, results are presented in United States dollars on a 100% basis. Jack Lundin, President and CEO commented, "During the quarter we generated record quarterly revenue of $1.1 billion which contributed to a strong financial performance for the Company. Adjusted EBITDA1 for the quarter was $461 million and free cash flow from operations1 was $338 million driven by stronger commodity prices and working capital inflows. "At Candelaria, while mill throughput in the first half of the year was strong, we expect to achieve a significant step-up in production in the second half of the year with planned higher grades and higher mining rates from ore in Phase 11. This production step-up has started to materialize during the month of July from the open pit. "Our team remains dedicated to enhancing operational performance, prioritizing safety and cost optimization. Cash costs1 for the quarter were at the lower end of our guidance range. We are well-positioned for a strong second half of the year and are on track to meet our consolidated production guidance for copper, gold, and zinc. Additionally, we have reduced our guidance for sustaining capital expenditures by $45 million." Second Quarter Operational and Financial Highlights  Copper Production: Consolidated production of 79,708 tonnes of copper in the second quarter. Other Production: During the quarter, a total of 47,460 tonnes of zinc, 1,721 tonnes of nickel and approximately 32,000 ounces of gold were produced. Revenue: $1,083.6 million in the second quarter with a realized copper price1 of $4.79 /lb. Net Earnings and Adjusted Earnings1: Net earnings attributable to shareholders of the Company were $121.6 million or $0.16 per share in the second quarter with adjusted earnings of $122.1 million or $0.16 per share. Adjusted EBITDA1: $460.9 million generated during the quarter. Cash Generation: Cash provided by operating activities was $491.8 million and free cash flow from operations1 was $337.5 million, which was increased by a working capital release of $121.9 million. Growth: On July 2, 2024, the Company exercised its option to increase ownership in Caserones to 70%, which adds an additional 25,000 tonnes of attributable copper production to Lundin Mining's production profile2. Sustainability Report: On July 10, 2024 the Company published its annual 2023 Sustainability Report that highlights the Company's material environmental, health & safety, governance and social performance during the year. Outlook: Second quarter 2024 production and cash costs were aligned with expectations, the Company's full year guidance remains unchanged with the exception of nickel: Caserones: Annual copper production guidance range for the Caserones mine for 2024 has been increased to 124,000 - 135,000 tonnes (previously 120,000 - 130,000 tonnes). Cash cost guidance for Caserones remains unchanged. Eagle Mine: Annual nickel production guidance range for the Eagle mine for 2024 has been reduced to 7,000 - 9,000 tonnes (previously 10,000 - 13,000 tonnes) and the copper production guidance range has been reduced to 5,000 - 7,000 tonnes (previously 9,000 - 12,000 tonnes). Cash cost guidance per pound of nickel for the Eagle mine has increased to $3.20/lb - $3.40/lb (previously $2.80/lb - $3.00/lb) Sustaining Capital Expenditures: Will be reduced by $45 million and are expected to total $795 million (previously $840 million) due to reductions in planned spending at Caserones, Neves-Corvo and Zinkgruvan. _________________________________ 1  These are non-GAAP measures. Please refer to the Company's discussion of non-GAAP and other performance measures in its Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP measures section at the end of this news release. 2 Based on Caserones 2024 production guidance as outlined in the news release 'Lundin Mining Provides 2024 Guidance & Announces 2023 Production Results' dated January 14,  2024. Summary Financial Results  Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30, US$ Millions (except per share amounts) 2024 2023 2024 2023 Revenue 1,083.6 588.5 2,020.6 1,339.9 Gross profit 279.5 52.8 464.9 266.2 Attributable net earningsa 121.6 59.1 135.5 205.7 Net earnings 156.7 61.3 215.3 226.6 Adjusted earningsa,b 122.1 45.6 167.3 171.3 Adjusted EBITDAb 460.9 191.8 823.7 528.7 Basic earnings per share ("EPS")a 0.16 0.08 0.18 0.27 Diluted EPSa 0.16 0.08 0.17 0.27 Adjusted EPSa,b 0.16 0.06 0.22 0.22 Cash provided by operating activities 491.8 194.8 759.3 406.7 Adjusted operating cash flowb 369.9 110.6 683.5 345.7 Adjusted operating cash flow per shareb 0.48 0.14 0.88 0.45 Free cash flow from operationsb 337.5 20.7 405.2 91.8 Free cash flowb 236.8 (84.6) 235.1 (118.8) Cash and cash equivalents 452.8 190.2 452.8 190.2 Net debt excluding lease liabilitiesb 893.8 201.3 893.8 201.3 Net debtb 1,152.9 229.8 1,152.9 229.8 a Attributable to shareholders of Lundin Mining Corporation. b These are non-GAAP measures. Please refer to the Company's discussion of non-GAAP and other performance measures in its Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures section at the end of this news release. For the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company generated revenue of $1,083.6 million, driven by 78,662 tonnes of copper sold at a realized price of $4.79 /lb. Revenue benefited from higher realized copper and zinc prices, including $94.5 million positive provisional pricing adjustments on prior period concentrate sales. Gross profit of $279.5 million and Adjusted EBITDA of $460.9 million in the three months ended June 30, 2024 reflect higher realized copper and zinc prices despite the impacts of planned lower grades and maintenance activities on copper concentrate sales from Candelaria and Caserones, respectively. Net earnings attributable to shareholders of the Company were $121.6 million or $0.16 per share in the three months ended June 30, 2024, and included higher tax expense due to higher taxable earnings and the utilization of prior period tax losses. Adjusted earnings attributable to shareholders of the Company for the three months ended June 30, 2024 were $122.1 million or $0.16 per share after removing a loss on foreign exchange due to the translation of deferred tax balances and expenses relating to the partial suspension of underground operations at Eagle, among other things. Cash and cash equivalents as at June 30, 2024 were $452.8 million. Cash provided by operating activities amounted to $491.8 million and cash used to fund investing activities amounted to $252.2 million. The Company had a net debt excluding lease liabilities1 balance of $893.8 million as at June 30, 2024 (December 31, 2023 - $946.2 million). Free cash flow1 for the three months ended June 30, 2024 of $236.8 million reflected higher copper and zinc realized prices, positive working capital changes and reduced capital expenditure at Candelaria. During the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company entered into zero cost collar contracts in the total amount of $222 million (equivalent to BRL 1.1 billion) with collar ranges of BRL 5.00 to BRL 6.11. As at July 30, 2024, the Company had a cash balance of approximately $288.0 million and a net debt excluding lease liabilities balance of approximately $1,338.0 million. ______________________________________ 1  These are non-GAAP measures. Please refer to the Company's discussion of non-GAAP and other performance measures in its Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and the Reconciliation of Non-GAAP measures section at the end of this news release. Operational Performance Total Production (Contained metal)a 2024 2023 YTD Q2 Q1 Total Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Copper (t)b 167,721 79,708 88,013 314,798 103,337 89,942 60,057 61,462 Zinc (t) 93,148 47,460 45,688 185,161 50,719 49,774 36,115 48,553 Nickel (t) 4,976 1,721 3,255 16,429 3,729 4,290 4,686 3,724 Gold (koz)b 65 32 33 149 44 35 34 36 Molybdenum (t)b 1,578 714 864 2,024 928 1,096 — — a. Tonnes (t) and thousands of ounces (koz) b. Candelaria and Caserones production is on a 100% basis. Candelaria (80% owned): Candelaria produced 31,170 tonnes of copper and approximately 17,000 ounces of gold in concentrate on a 100% basis in the three months ended June 30, 2024. Production in the quarter was impacted by  lower grades and recoveries, partially offset by higher throughput. During the three months ended June 30, 2024, mining rates were impacted by the interface of the open pit and historic underground mining stopes, requiring more stockpiled ore to be processed which reduced grades and recoveries. Access to higher grade ore is anticipated in the second half of 2024 as per the mine sequence. Three of four stopes have now been filled and blasted, with work on the fourth expected to begin in Q3, and not expected to impact production in the second half of 2024. Production costs were reduced by lower sales volumes and favourable foreign exchange as a result of the CLP weakening against the US dollar;  however, cash cost of $2.18/lb was negatively impacted by lower sales volumes.  Caserones (51% owned): Caserones produced 29,775 tonnes of total copper and 714 tonnes of molybdenum on a 100% basis in the three months ended June 30, 2024. Copper and molybdenum concentrate production was impacted in the quarter by extended mill maintenance and weather events which reduced mining activities and limited tailings deposition. Recoveries were also temporarily reduced by changes in the mining sequence and flotation circuit disruptions. Production costs in the quarter were lower than planned primarily due to lower copper concentrate and molybdenum sales volume, as well as favourable foreign exchange. Cash cost also benefitted from favourable foreign exchange. Chapada (100% owned): Chapada produced 9,106 tonnes of copper and approximately 15,000 ounces of gold in concentrate in the three months ended June 30, 2024 and was impacted by lower grades and recoveries combined with lower mill availability due to unplanned conveyor maintenance and vibration screen failure. Lower grades were a result of a shift to processing increased amounts of stockpiled ore and an optimized mine plan that significantly reduces waste movement. Production costs were reduced by lower sales volumes and favourable foreign exchange. Cash cost of $2.05/lb benefited from higher gold by-product credits combined with favourable foreign exchange and mining cost decreases due to operational improvements. Eagle (100% owned): Eagle produced 1,721 tonnes of nickel and 1,563 tonnes of copper in the three months ended June 30, 2024. A fall of ground in the lower ramp restricted access to Eagle East, limiting production. Mining rates are expected to be reduced until late 2024 while ramp rehabilitation is completed, deferring the extraction of ore from Eagle East into future years. Production costs were reduced by lower sales volumes and royalty expense, partially offset by higher maintenance costs. Nickel cash cost1 of $3.23/lb was impacted by lower sales volumes, partially offset by higher by-product credits. Neves-Corvo (100% owned): Neves-Corvo produced 7,347 tonnes of copper and 25,696 tonnes of zinc in the three months   ended June 30, 2024, both of which were impacted by lower grades due to changes in mine sequencing as a result of Lombador south requiring additional development work. Production costs increased due to an increase in sales volumes and cash cost of $1.70/lb benefited from increased sales volumes and higher by-product credits. Zinkgruvan (100% owned): Zinkgruvan produced 21,764 tonnes of zinc and 8,966 tonnes of lead in the three months ended June 30, 2024 reflecting higher throughput and grades. Copper production of 747 tonnes was impacted by reduced availability of copper ore. Production costs increased due to higher sales volumes and zinc cash cost of $0.39/lb reflected   lower copper by-product credits. Outlook Production and cash cost guidance for 2024 has been updated from that disclosed in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023. The Company remains on track to meet annual production and cash cost guidance for all metals with the exception of nickel, and has reduced sustaining capital expenditure guidance from $840 million to $795 million with reductions at Caserones, Neves-Corvo, and Zinkgruvan. Expenditure guidance related to the Josemaria Project of $225 million and exploration of $48 million each remain on target for 2024. Metal production continues to be weighted to the second half of the year at Candelaria, Chapada and Neves-Corvo due to mine sequencing and resultant forecasted grade profiles. Grade is expected to increase significantly at Candelaria in the second half of 2024 once access is opened to higher-grade ore. As a result of production challenges at Neves-Corvo in the first half of 2024, copper production at that operation continues to track to the lower end of its annual production guidance range.  In the first half of 2024, cash cost per pound at most operations benefited from increased realized prices on by-product sales. Guidance at Caserones has been increased to reflect production from the first half of the year and expected throughput and grades for the remainder of the year. At the Eagle mine, a fall of ground in the lower ramp restricted access to Eagle East, limiting production. Mining rates are expected to be reduced until late 2024 while ramp rehabilitation is completed, deferring the extraction of ore from Eagle East into future years. As a result, the annual nickel and copper production guidance ranges for the Eagle mine for 2024 have been reduced. 2024 Production and Cash Cost Guidance Guidancea Revised Guidance (contained metal) Production Cash Cost ($/lb)b Production Cash Cost ($/lb)b Copper (t) Candelaria (100%) 160,000 – 170,000 1.60 – 1.80c 160,000 – 170,000 1.60 – 1.80c Caserones (100%) 120,000 – 130,000 2.60 – 2.80 124,000 – 135,000 2.60 – 2.80 Chapada 43,000 – 48,000 1.95 – 2.15d 43,000 – 48,000 1.95 – 2.15d Eagle 9,000 – 12,000 5,000 – 7,000 Neves-Corvo 30,000 – 35,000 1.95 – 2.15c 30,000 – 35,000 1.95 – 2.15c Zinkgruvan 4,000 – 5,000 4,000 – 5,000 Total 366,000 – 400,000 366,000 – 400,000 Zinc (t) Neves-Corvo 120,000 – 130,000 120,000 – 130,000 Zinkgruvan 75,000 – 85,000 0.45 – 0.50c 75,000 – 85,000 0.45 – 0.50c Total 195,000 – 215,000 195,000 – 215,000 Nickel (t) Eagle 10,000 – 13,000 2.80 – 3.00 7,000 – 9,000 3.20 – 3.40